Sunday, May 15, 2011

Too good to be true (leaves)!

Here's another shot of both trays so you can see how much my seedlings have grown! The tallest seedlings on the left are the broccoli. The broccoli are so big they're probably ready to be planted in the garden. I had planned to plant this weekend in honor of the 350 Home & Garden Challenge but it's been raining almost non-stop so I'll wait for a clear day this week instead.

broccoli close-up

Tomato Update: 3 weeks ago I planted 42 heirloom tomato seeds and now I have 40 total seedlings. However, 5 of these seedlings are significantly smaller than the rest and 1 never grew its cotyledon leaves, so it still has no leaves and looks like a monocot instead of a dicot. I won't include these 6 damaged/weak seedlings in my calculation to determine germination rate. So for now I can confidently say I have 34 seemingly healthy tomato seedlings out of 42 planted seeds, which gives me an 81% germination rate. I'm also very excited to report that nearly all of the 34 seedlings now have their true leaves!

"True Leaves" growing above the cotyledon leaves

My sweet peppers and hot pepper seedlings have also sprouted since my last blog post! Here's a picture of 2 hot pepper seedlings.

hot pepper seedlings

My next post will hopefully include pictures of my planted garden plot complete with tomato cages, cucumber trellis, and bean teepees! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

...and then there were seedlings!

Okay, let's get right to the exciting stuff. Look!! Baby broccoli! I noticed these little seedlings on Thursday and snapped this picture on Sunday. They are already so much bigger! Gosh, they grow up so fast..*tear*

As of Monday night, I also have a few tomato seedlings up (current total: 26)! The tomato seedlings have two baby leaves, which I've learned are called cotyledon leaves or "seed leaves" because the cotyledon is actually part of the embryo within the seed. Right now, my tiny baby tomato plants are getting their nutrients from the cotyledon leaves. Soon, the first "true leaves" will grow above the baby leaves and these will begin photosynthesizing. After the true leaves appear, the baby leaves will fall off (I've also read if they don't fall off, one should pinch them off to avoid disease/rot from entering. I am PREPARED TO PINCH!). 

baby tomato plant, showing off its cotyledon leaves

Community Garden entrance

My garden plot - freshly hoed with compost added!

That's all for now - more when my true leaves are up!